this is still kind of work in progress!
hey!!!! welcome to my blog! i've never really owned a blog before so this is a first for me, but i wanted to have some place to just put my thoughts. as i keep working on the site i'll make this place a bit nicer and i'll probably add more categories too :]
thank you so much for checking out my page and stay tuned!!
hey again. i wanted to take a bit of a break after finally finishing the blog and getting the website into an OK state but hi!! i'm here now. once again this blog is kind of a first for me so if i ever sound weird that's probably why but i'll try to get past that.
at some point i'm really hoping to get this blog a bit more organized rather than just being random dates and whatever so i can talk about my other projects but i've really gotta make this page look nicer. maybe i'm overthinking it though since i've kind of been comparing this page to some of the others i've seen. i just kind of feel like i've got a long way to go.
anyways, that's it for now. i know these have been a bit short but i'll talk for longer and more about myself as i get more comfortable :] bye!!!
hiya! i have a guestbook now, go check it out!
anyways you may have noticed the new settings. i think i've decided that for the most part this page is going to be a place where i test my abilities. a lot of the stuff i plan on putting up on here are just kind of random things that i think would be fun to do.
for the settings i was kind of struggling because i found that while i could edit the style of certain elements, i wasn't actually editing the stylesheet of the page itself, but that could be fun to know how to do. it took a bit of trial and error but i did it basically on my own! it was fun, and i'm definitely going to mess around with adding settings quite a bit.
also at some point i'm probably going to rework the directory but i don't know when. currently it's basically just a bunch of buttons that hides some stuff and makes other stuff appear on the page but maybe it'd be better to just have them direct you to a new page. i know i want the blog to be its own separate page at some point anyways so we'll see.
i still also need to fix up my CSS at some point because i have no idea what i'm doing and it's an absolute mess. i'm certain there's a bunch of things in there that just straight up do nothing because i'm a lil clueless.
alright that's it for now, thanks for tuning in!
wowie, it's been a second. hello!! i've missed you neocities
i'm very sorry for disappearing for so long, but i'm back! is it likely i'll disappear again? definitely, but i thought i'd put up a little update
soo what have i been up to. i've mostly been focusing on personal projects other than this site because i love doing things. i've been running a call of cthulhu campaign which if you haven't heard of it is basically a ttrpg (tabletop roleplaying game) but like, cosmic horror and stuff. it's awesome! and i love writing for it as well as my players.
i also messed around with development in roblox a little bit and that went okay. i definitely don't want to make roblox games for a living but i figured it'd be fun to try out. i probably will make a full game on there at some point just for funsies but i have a lot of stuff to worry about right now. speaking of which,
final exams!! before too long i like, officially graduate and then i'm off to the big world. i'm kind of excited but the lack of clear direction is nervewracking. i'm sure that's not a completely irrational feeling. i'm hoping to go to university for game design but i think i probably have said that on here at some point.
i think i'll conclude this blog post here for now. i will try my absolute best to update this site more often but no promises! if anyone is reading this, thank you so much :>
hello! thank you to my two new and first followers! i know it's not much but it makes me very giddy regardless.
i made a few new changes because when i first made this site i was pretty bad at programming, and uh not much has changed! but i can still try to fix things up.
i mainly want to focus on giving this site a bit more personality because i think i was too rigid with it to start. there's nothing wrong with that but i want this place to be cool
i don't have too much else to say, just a short one for today. thank you all and bye bye!
haii. i hope all of you are doing well!
so the steam spring sale or something like that happened recently and i got a couple new games! those games are "nine sols" and "in stars and time". if you haven't heard of them, nine sols is a metroidvania kind of similar to hollow knight and sekiro with a lot of inspiration from chinese culture, and in stars and time is a neat RPG where you get stuck in a time loop.
first impressions so far, i absolutely LOVE nine sols. first impressions probably isn't quite right since i have over 20 hours in the game already, but it's amazing and i highly recommend it. i only have two hours for in stars and time and i'm not that far in at all (basically just started the first loop) because i've been playing with a friend and we've been voicing the characters. i really like it so far though! the gameplay is a ton of fun and i already love all of the characters. the sense of humor is right up my alley also. i highly recommend this game as well.
other than that i don't think i have too much to talk about... come to think of it i haven't talked about my other interests too much. i think my about me needs an update. i'll just talk about it now. the music artists i like are YonKaGor, Tally Hall, and ivycomb (although i really listen to anything), i play roblox a lot, my user is xo_xojunebug if you want to friend me. i'm not usually super into anime but i really like Jujutsu Kaisen. i also really love The Magnus Archives. i haven't listened to The Magnus Protocol much yet,, i need to get on that.
anyways i think that's all for this post. thank you for tuning in again and i will see you later bye byeeeee!